How To Treat Video Game Addiction

It is so much fun to play using your smartphone and Xbox. Know someone who has a problem playing video games, then read this article about possible treatments.


Video game addiction treatment?

This addiction has become increasingly rampant, and available inpatient treatment programs must be discussed, according to the American psychiatric association’s diagnostic.

Due to the enhanced graphics, people spend too much time playing that it becomes an addiction requiring excessive video gaming addiction treatment. Presently, video game addiction is known as a type of addiction that is comparable to gambling addiction, drug addiction, substance abuse, and other types of addiction. Hence, treating video game addiction is becoming popular.

What is video game addiction, according to the diagnostic and statistical manual? Are there any individuals who require medication therapy for internet gaming disorder or at least reduce the time playing video games?

Though people play video games because they are entertaining, mental health professionals say there are warning signs about excessive compulsive gaming habits that people should consider so they won’t have to treat video game addictions, according to the World Health Organization.

Here is a list of things that can indicate if a person is spending time video gaming excessively, he might need gaming addiction treatment or suffer from negative consequences.

Video Game Addiction Causes Poor Personal Hygiene

Most gamers become lazy, and they often skip showers just to be able to play for hours. Personal responsibilities and taking care of himself will become less of his priority, which is why he’s most likely to develop an untidy and unlikely stable home environment.


It Causes Sleep Disorder

An addicted person that excessively plays video games doesn’t consider a break time. As much as possible, he will play games until he passes out to escape stressful situations.

The prolonged video gaming addictive behavior will somehow cause sleep disruptions due to the neglected need for sleep.

Players will never feel the need for social interaction. He will find contentment in playing video games and talking to virtual friends. He will become more addicted to video games and will refrain from connecting with people and eventually develop mental illness.


Over the past decade, a growing number of psychologists have started to see addiction to digital technologies as a form of behavioral addiction, similar to pathological gambling, substance use and drug dependence addictions. — Utpal Dholakia Ph.D.

It Can Flare Aggression

Since players play violent and loud types of gameplay, they are more prone to display aggression. Their sense of perception changes to a whole new realm of reality that affects their emotional state in some cases.

Sometimes, they often have violent outbursts during or after losing video games.

Video Game Causes Physical Health Issues

Eating healthy food and exercising is not a priority for most individuals who play video games excessively. They might even see it as something that would hinder their video gaming experience.

In line with that, they often develop brain chemicals such as serotonin which can cause headaches, significant impairment in eyesight, back pains, and carpal tunnel syndrome.


Video Game Can Also Cause Less Productivity

Excessively playing video games can affect one’s personal sense of purpose and lead to poor performance.  An individual will have trouble focusing on daily activities and may want to stay in virtual reality as their excessive gaming takes precedence over everything.

He will also have problems managing his time and eventually disregard important tasks.

Apparently, the whole experience can affect a person’s life in a very depressing way as they lose healthier thinking patterns. He might develop behavioral changes that can also affect his mental state.

The unhealthy lifestyle will damage his overall perception of right and wrong and possible health risks. Therefore, it is necessary that we understand the risk of too much video game exposure.

According To Romeo Vitelli, Ph.D., not surprisingly, many seek inpatient facilities, and professional help treatment center facilities aimed at curing ” addiction on video games.”  Many have opened across the United States as well as parts of Europe and Asia for international classification and appear to be doing brisk business.


Addiction group therapy will identify the damaged areas that need improvement together with the causes of some health issues and assess them through the severity of their inherent difficulties to be able to monitor the progress of individual psychological factors.

Too much of everything is dangerous so we have to take note of the things that might eventually affect our healthy coping cognitive skills. However, if things get out of hand, we should be open to our family members and mental health professionals and accept the fact we — gaming addicts — probably might need help to stop gaming addiction, substance use disorder, and other mental disorders that might have stemmed from it.

Frequently Asked Questions On Treatment

How Do You Manage Video Game Abuse?

Managing video game abuse involves setting clear time limits, creating a structured schedule, and prioritizing responsibilities like work and school. Seek support from friends, family, or professionals, and explore new hobbies to replace excessive gaming. Monitor progress, set goals, and practice self-care to maintain a healthy balance in life. If needed, consider joining support groups or seeking therapy for additional guidance and support in overcoming excessive gaming habits.

What Is The Recovery Time For Those Who Are Addicted?

Recovery time for individuals with gaming disorder, characterized by addiction to video games, varies widely based on individual circumstances. It can range from weeks to months or even years. Acknowledging the addiction, seeking professional help, and making behavioral changes are important steps, but the duration of recovery depends on factors like the severity of the gaming disorder, the effectiveness of treatment, and the individual’s commitment to change. Ongoing maintenance and support are often necessary to ensure long-term recovery.

What Are The Most Common Effects Of Abuse In Playing?

Video game abuse, characterized by excessive gaming, can lead to signs of physical health issues like eyestrain and obesity, as well as mental health problems such as anxiety and depression. It can disrupt academic and occupational responsibilities, strain relationships, and result in financial troubles. Additionally, some individuals may exhibit signs of aggressive behavior. Seeking help and treatment is crucial for those facing these challenges

How Can You Aid Someone Who Abuses Playing?

To aid someone with a video game addiction, express concern, listen without judgment, and offer support. Encourage them to seek professional help, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, and explore alternative activities. Set clear boundaries and provide emotional support throughout their recovery journey. Remember that patience and understanding are key, and avoid enabling their addiction. Your support can be instrumental in their path to recovery.

How does video gaming impact mental health?

Playing video games can influence mental health in diverse ways. While some find stress relief, cognitive benefits, and social connections through gaming, excessive playing of games can lead to addiction, isolation, and negative impacts on sleep, mood, and relationships. Responsible gaming practices and moderation are vital to minimize potential negative effects and maximize the benefits of playing games on mental health

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