Do Cyber Addicts Need Psychiatric Help?

There is a broad definition when it comes to how much people spend time on the internet. It can start by scanning photos on social media, playing some online video games, and shopping a couple of things online. Though technology is an endless source of convenience, people are advised to pay more attention to the mental health conditions associated with the use of the internet.


With therapy, patients will often work on changing their behavioral patterns, and they’ll sometimes be given “homework” to work on between sessions. — John Smith Ph.D.

Psychiatric Approach To Internet Addiction

The excessive use of the Internet continues to create a noise in the psychiatric community and it has been labeled as an Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD). Though the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) is still in the process of recognizing its relevance to a person’s mental health, researchers are giving it serious attention. Also, most of the addiction medicine experts are having different opinions on whether it can conclude a psychiatric state or not.

The complexity of internet addiction is different from many types of addiction because it somehow affects the pleasure center of the brain. The problem will surpass when the internet dependency starts to interfere in a person’s daily life. In most cases, internet addicts tend to develop an altering personality and behavior that they use to cover their low self-esteem. They often see the value of the internet because it gives them anonymity. They use the Internet as a means of escape from reality due to its smooth accessibility and interactive nature.


Therapy has become briefer as a result of managed care. Empirically there has been little evidence longer term therapies are more effective than short-term therapy. — William Berry, LMHC., CAP.

Danger In Overall Health

IAD has been a prevalent disorder among the youth (from ages 12 to 17 years old) where they tend to spend too much time in front of the computer. There are also reported rates where it widely affects 38% of a significant portion of health population.

The development of its broad context of addiction covers a variety of degrees such as:

  • Online Sex Addiction – A person’s addiction in surfing too many porn sites that leads to uncontrollable urge with pornography.
  • Role-Playing And Video Game Addiction – It affects a person’s behavior that shows negativity from the violence of online gaming.
  • Online Shopping Addiction– A person who tends to see much pleasure in the convenience of buying things online.
  • Online Gambling Addiction – The state where an individual loses his sense of financial literacy because he tends to spend more money on the natural process of online gambling.
  • Cyber-Relationship Addiction – The excessive use of the internet’s social media to generate an unrealistic online relationship that usually results in isolation and severe impractical depression.
  • Information Overload – The pessimistic side of gaining too much information from the Internet that causes a person to have fewer interactions with people.
  • Internet Dependency – The state where a person will most likely have less productivity and believes in internet information rather than experience and practical research.

Internet based screening tools and interventions allow for millions of people around the world to be screened for mental health problems and begin the process of change from their own homes. — Frederick Muench Ph.D.

It is understandable that the internet is part of the fast-growing innovation. However, people should realize the importance of balance in its usage. Though researchers are still in the process of recognizing the state of excessive internet usage and its link to a mental health condition, there is no doubt that it gives negative results.