Some Of The Reason Children Get Hooked Up In Video Games




How the definition of “playing” has evolved in a short time is concerning. Back then, playing entailed spending time outside with friends, playing in the sunlight, getting clothes dirty, and returning home sweaty. Nowadays, the majority of children think that playing is equivalent to spending hours playing video games on a desktop or laptop computer, iPad, or mobile while consuming junk food on the side.

It’s common knowledge that kids are huge fans of video games. According to a recent survey, on average, kids play video games for approximately eight hours every week. Even while this may appear like a lot of time, it’s crucial to keep in mind that play is how children learn and grow. What could be the harm in allowing children to enjoy playing video games for a while? It turns out that your youngster might be hooked on playing video games for a number of reasons.

Let us look at the reason children get hooked up in video games.

Video Games Are Fun!

While it might seem obvious, it’s crucial to keep in mind that kids are drawn to enjoyable things. They can be stimulating, demanding, and rewarding. Children might engage in video games more frequently as a consequence of this.

Video games provide children with a sense of accomplishment and acknowledgment while immersing them in new worlds, making them enjoyable, especially in the face of intermittent rewards. Online games can keep children motivated and engaged because of the attention given to details, riddles, and minigames. Video games are like putting imaginations on screen, loaded with supernatural beings, aliens, superheroes, monsters, mythological creatures, and a range of breathtaking scenery. This is why video game addiction in itself is not that surprising. Additionally, they allow your kids’ players to truly be part of these fantasy environments.

A gaming experience is also just one big goal-chasing pursuit. Video game time is a constant source of excitement for children, whether it’s the underlying plot in your kids’ favorite adventure game played in single-player mode or the competition to win in any kind of sports game. Gamers can virtually live a life that kids would never have the opportunity to experience through video games.

Examine sudoku, crossword puzzles, and other easy games as well. Your kids have access to some of the most entertaining brainteasers when you combine video games’ interactive and graphic aspects. They feel better and more fulfilled as a result of these boosting their excitement during their screen time.



Video Games Can Improve Problem-Solving Skills

A lot of kid-friendly video games demand children to solve puzzles in order to progress. Their ability to solve challenges will be enhanced, which will benefit them in other aspects of their lives. Children who play video games develop quicker, more precise allocation of attention skills, which improves their capacity to prioritize tasks and determine where their focus should be at any given moment.

Playing video games is primarily a mental activity. Most of the time, it entails devising a plan of action to escape or outwit an opponent, construct a building, or destroy one up. Because of this, it’s a pretty active hobby, at least mentally. Numerous academics and medical professionals have acknowledged this, and video game concepts are still used in training scenarios, rehabilitation, and other brain-training activities.

Gamers may gain knowledge from the errors they make by playing video games. They continually adapt to the surroundings of the game, which is an essential life skill. Children who regularly play video games will go through a process known as deep mental exercise. These games help kids solve problems more effectively because they let them experiment with a variety of activities without having to spend a lot of money. Children learn from video games that attempting new things doesn’t necessarily hurt and that answers are only sometimes simple to understand.

Video Games Can Boost Self-Confidence

The ideas of creativity and self-expression are prevalent in video games. Playing videogames helps to build neurological networks by combining concentration with neurotransmitter spikes, which gives the brain an actual exercise. Kids can hone their abilities with these games and ultimately feel proud of themselves. For kids who might not succeed in other aspects of their lives, this can be tremendously empowering.

Children’s brains may reset and recover wasted energy by playing video games. They give their all to the game they are playing, and with that, they are rewarded for their efforts when they achieve certain goals. Additionally, this enables their brain to solve problems and make new connections, thereby making them feel more confident. The kids get better at a game if they play it over extended periods of time. It inspires them to design their own gaming experience that conveys a narrative or a feeling. It increases children’s drive and gives them the chance to believe they are intelligent and capable.

Children receive feedback in video games nearly instantly. As a result, there are times when individuals may truly experience discouragement if they are unable to finish or pass a level. Frustration and emotional strain may result from this. But when children get the hang of it, playing games improves their ability to process emotions and helps them regulate their emotions. Playing video games can be a useful coping mechanism for stress and bad emotions. These can help with the growth of self-awareness and confidence since they foster an achievement paradigm.

Video Games Can Be A Way For Escape

Kids who struggle with peer pressure, anxiety, and fear typically prefer to withdraw from others. They may desire to engage in gaming experiences because they feel protected and shielded from criticism from others. And because they are under so much pressure from their peers and teachers, they search for a better environment where they don’t have to be concerned about anything – thus a video game experience.

Playing games offer a means of distraction or escape from the outside world to some kids. They may serve as a haven for kids where they may have fun and forget about their troubles. This may be particularly valid for those who are experiencing anxiety or sadness. Children’s commitment to gaming may also stem from their perception of it as a way to relax. It turns into a coping mechanism for the unpleasant thoughts and emotions children frequently have when they’re bored.

When kids experience the constant flow in brief periods, they may find it difficult to interact with others. However, they can still integrate into an environment where people still communicate and look out for one another by playing video games. One of the primary explanations for why your children play as often is due to the sense of connection to others that games foster.

Kids that play games have a mission, a purpose, and something to strive for. This gives your kids a sense of significance in life that they might not find elsewhere.



Video Games Can Improve Hand-Eye Coordination

Playing video games can help your children become more creative and relaxed. However, hand-eye coordination is the best aspect of it. Quick reflexes are essential for playing real-time movement-based video games. These motions, whether made with a controller, mouse, and keyboard or using your finger on the touch screen, can aid in the development of precise hand-eye coordination. The eye muscles are worked out by rapidly moving and focusing, and it can also aid in enhancing visual clarity.

Kids are required to use their hands in order to control the activity on-screen in several video games. Enhancing their motor abilities can benefit them in several aspects of their lives. Playing video games can greatly impact children’s performance, which can help them enhance their core balance and coordination skills. The children’s bodies and minds get more flexible and stronger during the warm-up before the real video game begins.

Without a doubt, video games have a good impact on sensorimotor functioning. Video games that require throwing, balancing, and catching provide opportunities to practice this ability and develop new skills. Through the stimulation of the eyes, the brain receives visual information, which it then uses to figure out which muscle motions are necessary at any given moment. Children’s reaction times and processing speeds, which are necessary for navigating and preventing falls, may be accelerated by video game play.


Knowing why your kids play games is crucial because it enables you to support them in reaping the same mental and emotional benefits from other hobbies. It also enables you to approach things with positive reinforcement rather than disapproval and anger. This positive approach can help you connect with your children. Because gamer children are inherently protective of their games, you need to build rapport with your child with the goal of having any kind of influence on their decisions in general.

But it’s important to be careful. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders details real-life consequences of too much gaming time on children’s brains. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders recommends that parents and guardian adults introduce other activities to children depending on their age. Limiting video game time, TV, and online activity can have a positive impact on a child’s life. But it’s also important to let them continue playing in moderate amounts, especially if the child has met good friends online.

Having a discussion with your kids about the reasons behind their game-playing is the next step. Although you may have already done this and probably talked to them about your proposed conditions, it would be best if you approached this from the perspective of curiosity rather than judgment. See how else you can incorporate these motives into your children’s daily lives using the reasons listed above as a guide so you can allow your kids to play video games.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why Do People Get Hooked On Video Games?

What Are The Effects Of Video Games On Children’s Behavior?

Why Are Video Games Popular With Children?

Can Video Games Cause Aggression In Children?

What Happens If Kids Play Too Much Video Games?

Is It Normal For Kids To Play Video Games?

Do Video Games Cause Stress In Kids?

Do Kids Get Smarter By Playing Video Games?

How Do Video Games Affect A Child’s Brain Development?

Can Too Much Video Games Be Harmful?

Can You Get Hooked On Video Games?

Why Is Gaming Addiction Bad?

Is Video Game Addiction A Bad Thing?

Can Kids Get Addicted To Video Games?

Are Video Games Good For Your Brain?

Alternative Activities To Video Games That You Can Try

You are probably playing video games simply because they help you with various other issues. Playing video games can help you with a lot of things, including entertainment and stress reduction, as well as developing tangible skills and problem-solving abilities. However, what occurs when your preferred activity turns into an unmanageable problem of addiction? Regretfully, you could unintentionally develop a harmful dependency on video games by playing them.

For this reason, if you intend to successfully seek out a video game alternative, you must identify a pastime that will satisfy the same wants that video gaming did. It is not necessary that you have to give up video gaming completely. All you have to do is replace video games with other hobbies, activities, and pastimes that provide the same advantages. This encourages flexible habits and skill sets in addition to helping you control your gaming habits.

But first, we need to determine the severity of your gaming addiction before we can discuss alternative activities to video games.



How Do Video Games Affect The Brain?

The brain is impacted by video games in many different ways. But we’re going to concentrate on these three unique effects:

Dopamine Exhaustion: When you enjoy what you do, your brain releases the neurotransmitter called dopamine. This particular chemical controls pleasure. Playing video games causes your brain to continuously release dopamine in sporadic bursts. Your brain adjusts to a dopamine threshold over time, requiring prolonged play sessions to experience the same level of enjoyment. Playing games over extended periods of time, like for an entire day, causes your brain to become accustomed to a specific level of dopamine, which reduces the enjoyment you get from other activities. Anything but gaming isn’t as enjoyable.

Suppressing Negative Emotions: Negative emotions are also suppressed in video games. The area of your brain responsible for controlling negative emotions is called the area known as the amygdala. It comes into play when we feel bad feelings like fear, rage, despair, frustration, etc. Furthermore, research has demonstrated that when you start engaging in a video game while experiencing negative emotions and your amygdala is active, your amygdala turns off. This can eventually result in an illness known as alexithymia, which is the incapacity to identify your true emotional state. Video games are excellent coping methods because playing a game might help you feel better and more comfortable.

Triumph Circuit: When you face a problem, the brain’s triumph circuit helps you feel good about yourself. Additionally, because playing a game involves challenges that are followed by successes, the pastime might become addicting. This is because playing video games becomes more about the rush of victory than it does about unwinding or mental training. Your brain’s Triumph circuit is not an intangible structure. More accurately, it’s a psychological characteristic that unites all people. When you face a difficulty and succeed in meeting that obstacle, you are rewarded, which triggers the victory circuit.

It’s acceptable to experiment with non-video game alternatives while continuing to play video games as long as you prioritize other things in your life and don’t overindulge in them. For instance, you may designate one hour a day to play games; just remember to treat them as an enjoyable diversion rather than your primary leisure activity.



Alternative Activities To Video Games

Creative Art Form

Certain computer and video games need a great deal of concentration and memory. You’re hooked to the screen because of this ongoing challenge and involvement. Consider dedicating the same amount of time and effort to great hobbies, like learning to play an instrument, dance, or any other creative art form rather than concentrating all your time and energy on video games.

Really, the first step is just to find activities you are interested in. You can try to recall what you liked as a child, for example. Of course, you can also choose to try new ones. But be careful with hobbies that will take you back to using a device for prolonged periods, like programming.

Learning a musical instrument, crafting, painting, sculpting, etc., will be enjoyable for adventure game players because these new interests stimulate the same areas of the brain that analyze sensory information, such as playing video games. You can dabble in music production or learn a new language. Plus points too, because music can be therapeutic. The thrill of discovering new things, navigating unfamiliar situations, and applying your freshly acquired skill set to something creative will still hit you. All the while, you will learn fun, great alternatives that you can even do with friends.

Nature Activities

Adventure, MOBA, and sports gamers benefit from outdoor activities since they are naturally curious and love to explore new places. For those who don’t need the rush, hiking is great; whitewater rafting is a good option for those who need it. Many other activities fostering competition are popular choices for explorers and novices with a strong curiosity, such as yourself. Extreme adventures like skydiving, snowboarding, or mountain bike riding are also the ideal outdoor stimulation if you’re trying to learn new abilities. These ideas also appeal to your sense of adventure in a more submissive manner. You will experience the joy of winning over hardship when you engage in these activities.

Competitive Sports

Participating in team and competitive athletic activities has many advantages, from fostering a sense of belonging and being a part of something to teaching problem-solving and collaboration skills. These all bear a resemblance to the advantages of strategy video games and mass multiplayer internet gaming. Therefore, if you enjoy that kind of gaming, competitive sports are a good fit for you. Sports competition isn’t limited to young people. Adult leagues for athletic activities, including basketball, softball, and football, are available in most areas. If you are naturally shy or struggle with social anxiety, these sports can help. It can help you become more self-assured and improve your interpersonal and communication abilities.

Volunteering In The Community

There is no more appropriate or rewarding hobby for gamers who want a sense of community and belonging than volunteering or attending a local group. Numerous organizations concentrate only on charitable donations. Large organizations, such as those organized by a church or other non-profit organization, are frequently the setting for volunteering. You might even participate in the planning phase, which includes establishing strategies and resolving issues. You can see the results of your effort as you and the rest of your team collaborate to achieve a common objective. These are all typical advantages of engaging in video game play.



Martial Arts

When it comes to treating video game addiction, martial arts is a special kind of exercise with a lot to offer. Martial arts are introspective and focused on the group, which explains why. Many movements, routines, and even combat matches are performed individually, even though most courses are presented in a group environment that encourages socializing. That’s why players who like to engage with others via the internet and those who enjoy the privacy it offers would find this pastime appealing. The ability to create and accomplish long-term objectives, gradually improve your skill set, and see quantifiable progress are some of the reasons you enjoy playing video games.

Internships At Startups

For those who enjoy strategy and collectible games of cards, internships are fantastic. Since it necessitates concentration on the goals, gamers enjoy comprehending intricate systems and achieving analytical mastery of a subject. There is a strong competitive spirit in these sorts of activities. As a gamer, you will find plenty of challenges there because startups are intricate, cutthroat environments where workers are expected to perform duties beyond their regular responsibilities. Bonus points for a tech, finance, or political company: these fields demand a high level of planning, thinking outside the box, coming up with innovative solutions, and utilizing technology to create energy alternatives more effectively. 

Meditation Or Mindfulness

The most efficient way to relieve tension and anxiety is to engage in these hobbies, even though they might not be the most thrilling alternatives for gamers. It might be time to choose a hobby that can help you tackle these sensations rather than disguise them if you use video games as a coping mechanism for your stress and anxiety or as a method to forget about your daily problems. By lowering stress and elevating your mood, mindfulness, and meditation are intended to assist you in better understanding and managing negative thoughts and emotions. To assist in replacing the pleasure and stress reduction that video games provide, try including yoga and meditation as well as more engaging and collaborative hobbies.

Naturally, convincing you to give up playing video games is not always simple. It’s possible that you lack the motivation to break your negative habits, or even worse, that you’ve developed an internet or video game addiction. In these circumstances, you require assistance in developing more positive hobbies and mending your connections with others and yourself.

If you have a gaming addiction, therapy is one of your greatest options. Therapeutic programs should treat gaming addictions through:

  • Utilizing comprehensive therapy to address underlying behavioral or emotional issues, such as disobedience, anxiety, or depression
  • Introducing wholesome hobbies, including athletics, outdoor recreation, arts, and a host of other activities
  • Fostering a supportive peer group to reduce social isolation and improve communication abilities
  • Enhancing bonds with workshops and relationship and family therapy

Final Thoughts

Playing video games is generally appealing for various reasons, including recreational activities, sociability, and stress relief. However, you can do many things if you want to expand your horizons or if you think your video game addiction is becoming out of control. See a licensed health therapist for additional advice if you believe these suggestions are not helping.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are the alternatives to replace gaming?

How game is different than a video game?

What types of video games are good?

How many different types of video games are there in the world?
What video game is most like in real life?
What can I do instead of gaming Reddit?
How do I stop playing video games?
Is it OK to still play video games?
What can I do instead of playing video games at home?
How do I stop spending so much time on video games?
Are video games a healthy form of entertainment?
Are video games better than outdoor games?
Are video games good for your mental health?
Why do people watch other people play video games?
Do video games help your brain?

Video Gaming Addiction: Causes, Symptoms, And Therapies




Video gaming addiction is a mental health disorder that impacts millions of individuals across the globe. Even though millions are interested in playing video games, most people are not addicted to gaming—the WHO reported that 3% to 4% of the population has an existing gaming addiction. The distinction between gaming addiction and a positive and enjoyable gaming hobby is the adverse effect of the activity on your life.

Generally, a video game addict has an intensity that causes a substantial deficiency in family, occupational, educational, and social aspects of functioning. The trend of gaming behavior is usually apparent over a timeframe of at least a year so that a diagnosis can be established. However, the necessary length of time might be reduced if the diagnostic requirements are met, and indications become severe.

Causes Of Gaming Addiction

Video games are created to be addictive, utilizing modern behavioral psychology that pushes you to become dependent. Games are enticing habits and experiences that offer you loads of dopamine and an overdose of stimulation resulting in structural modifications to an individual’s brain. You start to live in a place where you anticipate immediate satisfaction. Games are so captivating that it is convenient and possible to play for long hours without even realizing that you’ve been stuck in one place for quite some time. They permit you to get away and see quantifiable progress. Games are a social activity that creates a space where you feel secure and control yourself and what you’re doing, which is also the reason children get hooked up in video games.

Game makers also install scheming game plan features like micro-transactions, in-app acquisitions, and giveaways that some governments have considered prohibited, as they are gambling classification. Gaming addiction endures because gaming companies are multibillion industries, and the more individuals they have stuck on these games, the more money they get.

Impact Of Video Game Addiction

Gaming addiction is an obsessive mental health illness that causes severe destruction to a person’s life. It is typical for a gaming addict to play for more than 10 hours daily, usually up to the wee hours of the night, and many others are sleep-deprived. Absorbed in their encounter, most gamers have unhealthy diets that consist primarily of energy drinks loaded with sugar and caffeine. A lot of them also suffer from malnutrition and dehydration.


In more major situations, video game addicts have agoraphobia, an anxiety disorder where people are scared of getting out of the house. In contrast, others classify as hikikomori, a term famous in Japan to describe antisocial adults and young adolescents who do not have a social life.

Game addicts are inclined to be depressed, temperamental, physically aggressive, and do not want to go to school or work because of gaming. When addicted to video games, he experiences functional impairments in several areas of his life, and the permanent impact can be damaging. Gaming addicts drop out of college. They become unemployed. And they get divorced.

Is It Addiction?

In the argument regarding video gaming addiction, you frequently hear the complaint that gaming can be more understood as a coping strategy for primary mental health illnesses like depression, ADHD, or anxiety, and not an illness in itself. Is this a fact?

No. In addiction, it is broadly recognized that comorbidity, or the concurrent existence of two chronic illnesses in an individual, is typical and that gaming disorder is not exempted. For others, extreme gaming can become a coping mechanism to cover up for another illness. It might develop into a gaming addiction associated with the behavior of people with substance-related conditions. Still, for some, gaming excessively becomes a function of impairment.

Whether or not problematic gaming emerged initially or is caused by an underlying mental health disorder, therapeutic objectives must include therapy for the gaming addict because this condition could be the primary element of functional impairment. Its management might be a requirement for the successful video game addiction treatment.


Managing Video Game Addiction

The crucial thing to remember is that regardless of how hard it is for you to deal with it, you are not dealing with it alone. Now that this condition has been classified as an official disorder, more and more individuals will be able to find the necessary help to manage and overcome it.

Another great news is that most areas in various states now offer help for people struggling with video game addiction. Game Quitters is a popular online support group that offers a community forum, various free online games, and a cost-effective program for parents and gamers alike. If you think you need professional guidance and support, search online for video game addiction therapists. You can also read video game addiction stories that can be helpful and inspiring for you.

You may not want to quit gaming, but you would be surprised at how much your life could be altered just by spending quality time with family or making a healthy habit instead of playing video games. Commit to taking action and doing something about the addiction.


Therapists Agree – Gaming Addiction Exists




It’s good and fun to do things you love doing. However, could you possibly go overboard with a simple hobby? When does a hobby progress to become an addiction? That is the big question scientists are attempting to answer regarding video game playing.

Even though video gaming has existed for nearly five decades, research about its adverse effects remains in the initial phases. Various groups have ended to various conclusions regarding whether or not playing problems must be known as addictions.

The World Health Organization included ‘gaming disorders’ in the 2018 edition of its medical reference book. However, the American Psychiatry Association manual, which is the DSM-5, did not. Until today, gambling is the single activity included in the list of possible addictions. The statistical manual of mental health conditions criteria regarding video game addiction is quite the same as the criteria used for substance abuse disorder. In both circumstances, the individual needs more basis as time continues and becomes sad and annoying when unable to avail it. Individuals addicted to video game playing can even go through withdrawal symptoms.

Warning Signs

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders – 5 does have a segment that aids doctors and other individuals in increasing awareness about video game warning signs. These issues can occur whether you play video games offline or online.

Here are some symptoms to watch out for in you or someone you know – your child, spouse, or significant other. You must present with five or more of these indications within a year to be considered officially having the problem, as stated by the criteria suggested in the DSM-5.

  • Feeling moody and unpleasant when you are not able to play
  • Always thinking about playing video games almost, if not all, of the time
  • Having issues at home, at work, or in school due to persistent video game playing
  • Pushing yourself to play amidst many issues and problems
  • Having to spend a lot of time playing to feel good
  • Can’t control gaming impulses
  • Not remembering to do other activities that you previously loved doing
  • Using video games to alleviate unpleasant feelings and bad moods.


Certainly, not everyone who plays video games often has an issue with gaming. Several experts agree that it is damaging to label individuals who could be just very eager to learn more about gaming. They all concur that the number of players meeting the recommended video game addiction standards is quite small. It is projected to be around 1% to 9% of all video gamers, children and adults alike. It is also documented that gaming is more prevalent in males than females.

It could be of more help to begin by asking yourself questions: Does your hobby interfere with other pertinent things in your life, like your profession, education, or relationships? Could you be using video games as an excuse to escape a more serious problem, such as depression? Do you think you have crossed the line between the need to play and the love of playing?

It can be difficult to perceive a problem in yourself. The number of times you spend playing video games might seem okay to you, but if others close to you have observed that it’s way too much, now may be the time to cut back or quit.

If you are a mom or dad worried about the time your child spends playing video games, look at how efficiently they are doing at home, school, or with peers. Getting high grades and great relationships with parents indicate that a child’s video gaming hobby is unlikely to become an issue.

Seeking Help

Ask help from your therapist or primary mental health provider – or your family pediatrician if the individual of concern is your daughter or son – the very moment that you think your child’s gaming is getting messy or has gone too far.

Studies about managing video game addiction are also in their initial phases. Cognitive-behavioral therapy or CBT is a particular therapy regimen that can assist with gaming management. This mental health therapy educates people on substituting thought patterns regarding video game addiction to help alter behavior.

If your child is a persistent gamer, a therapist could show you how to restrict your child’s playing period if you have trouble refusing. One study revealed that making you a part of your child’s therapy would increase its effectiveness.


Counteracting A Gaming Problem

To be able to manage your child’s time spent playing games, try these strategies for kids and adults alike:

  • Set rules on keeping your child’s phones, tablets, and other gadgets outside the room so he will not be tempted to play throughout the night.
  • Set a daily time limit for playing and let him practice sticking with these limits.
  • Do other hobbies or routines daily, including sports and exercise. This decreases the health hazards of playing too hard and sitting for long periods.


Nobody knows whether or not particular forms of gaming have a higher likelihood of leading to gaming addiction. In the meantime, be certain that your child is playing age-appropriate games.



Counseling For Hardcore Gamers: Overcoming Video Game Addiction

Gaming addiction is one of the most controversial addictions that ever existed. That is due to research and studies that show that there are still quite a few benefits of video games and benefits from indulging in it. However, in most experts’ opinions, like anything else, too much time playing video games can be dangerous to your physical, emotional, and mental health. Therefore, it would be nice to consider changing some of your video gaming lifestyles and incorporating discipline into your actions.

Most of the time, you know that you have a lot of responsibilities on your table. But since you find video games so entertaining, you keep on playing. That is, although you know you shouldn’t. Sadly, you can’t help it because you become addicted. Fortunately, you can do a few positive things to combat that unnecessary desire of hardcore playing of video games.


Record The Time You Spend On Your Hardcore Video Gaming

If you are too caught up with the habit of playing video games, it would be necessary to start recording how much time you usually spend in front of the computer or on your mobile phones in a day. You better have an idea of what is happening in your life when you miss out on all the fun outside, when you take for granted the people around you, and when you do not care about yourself. You must realize the impact of wasting time and damaging some significant aspects of your life, such as personal development, social relationships, and community involvement.

Truthfully, playing video games is not bad. The main purpose of it is to entertain and keep you busy when you feel anxious and preoccupied with stress. However, it becomes harmful to your overall well-being when you spend an unhealthy amount of time only paying attention to gaming. Thus, it would be best to assert some time and track how many hours you are playing and how often the habit makes you feel mentally, physically, and emotionally exhausted.


Replace Video Games With Some Other Productive Task

Before you can genuinely make changes to your hardcore video gaming, you need to understand first your reasons why you keep on playing. Maybe you like to play because you want to get rid of boredom. It could be because you are so hooked on the fund and excitement that video games are giving you. Perhaps you just wanted to escape reality and live your life to the fullest. Whatever reasons you may have, those are valid. But, unfortunately, no one can tell you what is right or wrong because, understandably, you live with the moment.

However, if those factors are temporary, why not change them to something productive? So instead of clinging to video games, try to consider replacing the habit with some productive activities. These can include learning new skills, enrolling in a free course, working out, reading books, writing a journal, practicing meditation, etc. Replacing your hardcore video gaming with a productive activity is beneficial as it helps you focus on more important things.

Realize The Importance Of Change In Behavior

Video gaming is not a bad thing, and you need to realize that you do not have to cut it off from your life entirely. But you need to buckle up a little bit and look at the bigger picture. If your hardcore gaming is stressing you out, and if you entirely lose control over it, then figure a process to make it stop. Think about what’s more important at the moment and begin to work on those particular things you want to improve. Give your best and try as much as possible to build a better routine that your overall well-being can benefit from.

But before that, you need to assess your video game addiction for yourself. Ask yourself why you should or shouldn’t stop the habit. Be honest about it. Come up with a better resolution by enumerating the pros and cons of hardcore playing. From there, realize the importance of changing your behavior for the sake of saving your overall health.


Final Thoughts

Changing or removing your hardcore video gaming habit can be tough, especially when it seems already too late. But don’t stop trying. Instead, condition yourself to do better things because you know what way forward best suits you in a healthy and well-balanced life. You have the power to change your lifestyle once you genuinely try and focus. Yes, you may stumble and fall along the way, but you shouldn’t quit trying. Acknowledge that you can be addicted to anything, and hardcore video gaming is just one of those things that can ruin your concentration. Therefore, work your way to a better future. Remember, it is not about what you know because it is always the changes you do that matter.


The Numerous Advantages of Video Games



The reason children get hooked up in video games is the emergence of technology.  The benefits of video games have become associated with innovation. Some are obvious in Fortnite, Warcraft, Grand Theft Auto, Overwatch, Red Dead Redemption, and many more. Nowadays, nearly everyone embraces the benefits of video games and considers themselves gamers.

Today, playing games has become an enjoyable and educational activity for people of all ages because of their entertainment and creativity value. But did you know that playing videogames can also have some positive effects on your memory and cognitive abilities? This article shares some tips about other benefits of video games to university students or athletes involved in team sports leagues.

Furthermore, it is no secret that video games have taken over society. It seems like everywhere you look; people are playing them on their phones, laptops, and even dedicated gaming consoles. Even music and education have been taken over by video games, with a large number of artists and students creating songs specifically for certain multiplayer games. But what does the future hold for videogames?

VideoGames’ Advantages And Perks

But in the past, virtual games have been criticized by many for causing emotional and mental disturbance. Some experts even agree that virtual or videogames are the root cause of violent, abusive, and addictive behaviors and definitely have no benefits. But despite all the gaming information out there, some individuals still believe that playing video games has psychological advantages.

However, the World Health Organization (WHO) has classified video gaming or “gaming disorder” among children and adolescents as a mental health condition in its international classification. The diagnosis is characterized by impaired control over gaming, increasing the hours and focus given to gaming over other activities to the extent that the “screen” takes precedence over teamwork, learning, and social interaction. The continuation or escalation of gaming, despite the occurrence of negative consequences, compromises the potential advantages of video games, and there are many examples in society to prove that.

How It Works

Social Skills and Advantages That You Will Earn

Researchers believe that one of the most sought-after benefits of video games is improved social skills. That is because most of the best games are the ones that people play games online with friends and colleagues. Virtual games help them build cognitive skills and make social connections, as these inventions involve understanding social relations where players have to figure out who among the other players to trust. Playing them also has positive effects and promotes leadership as they can teach individuals to respect members participating at the moment. The social skill development acquired from playing video games can be transferred to real life, which becomes an advantage in building reliable social groups.. As we all know, socialization is a key component of our well-being.

Rid Yourself With Boredom And Isolation

Many individuals play videogames because it is advantageous, which is precisely why they engage with them. But aside from the fun and excitement that videogamers derive from, videogames help fight boredom and isolation and pique interest.. When individuals struggle with pent-up emotions, videogame battles can help blow off some emotional stress. With that, people can lock in their aggression on the web instead of setting it out in the real world. In addition, on some occasions when individuals have hectic schedules, video games can ease the pressure of school tasks or work-related duties. It represents a necessary break from daily life stressors that alleviate anxiety and depression.

Linked To Emotional Stability

Despite some studies that prove video gaming activities cause certain physical and mental disruptions in most individuals, some research shows video games’ positive link to emotional stability. In particular, immersive action games have the edge because they allow players to try out and engage with the different versions of themselves. In line with that is the multi tasking ability to explore their qualities where players can understand themselves and see which character fits their ideal personalities. The particular process of self-identification through the help of video games helps a lot in processing emotional stability.

Video gaming benefits

Perks Of Playing Virtual Games

Helps Improve Visual-Motor Coordination

Some studies indicate that the practice of virtual activities improve hand-eye coordination. It proves to claim a factual report of vision and physical movement development to create a better function. Usually, the applicable virtual games included in this hand-eye coordination are first-person shooter games where players aim accurately and quickly to hit a target. In some other games like driving, visual-motor coordination is advantageous since it requires quick steering adjustments. The overall advantages of improved visual-motor coordination also promote different types of physical activities such as sports training, driving, walking, and even some basic tasks.

Video games can help improve balance in multiple sclerosis patients. Video games that involve physical activity exertion was found to be more effective at improving balance in patients with multiple sclerosis. One study showed that MS patients who played video games requiring physical interaction while standing on a balance board displayed improvement afterward.

Potentially Improves Memory

Playing digital games, especially those that are immersive, can potentially help with a memory boost. That is due to the concentration of structural change of the brain which reshapes the regions responsible for attention or visual-spatial skills, fine motor skills, and memory formation. Thus, it supports planning, attention, and multitasking. In addition, playing competitive video games provides an optimal and fast way to develop the brain’s muscle memory. But it is significant to note that memory development depends on the kind of stuff the community of people play. Thus, many games that are extremely violent may not help in the process of overall mental improvement.

Virtual Playing Advantages

Almost all video games rely on stages of difficulty. With the algorithm of different levels that gamers need to achieve, virtual players help individuals develop their problem-solving skills. The increased pressure allows players to develop the amazing speed and decision-making skills necessary for an immediate accomplishment, particularly at the moment. Aside from that, playing such things also boost healthy brain stimulation. It supports the formulation of solutions, helping online players take appropriate action in every unfortunate situation. Though they can be damaging to some extreme extent, these innovations can still process and sharpen valuable critical thinking skills. n other words, playing video games improves several abilities, including paying attention.

what are some virtual game benefits?

Takeaways About Perks From Virtual Entertainment

It is critical to realize that it is not enough reason to have extended exposure to computers despite these psychological advantages. Spending too much on the digital world can still pose health damage and can even cause virtual playing addiction. Therefore, players should note the perks of such a virtual experience and also consider looking for alternative activities to video games if possible.

Frequently Asked Questions

In What Ways Does Playing Video Games Help Improve Mental Health?

Playing video games can potentially improve mental health by offering stress relief, stimulating cognitive processes, providing social interaction and a sense of accomplishment, and enhancing problem-solving skills through play. Engaging in games that align with personal preferences and values can be a valuable coping mechanism and source of enjoyment. However, moderation is key, as excessive gaming can have detrimental effects. It’s essential to maintain a balanced approach to gaming, ensuring it complements other aspects of life and seeking professional help when needed for mental health challenges.

What Are The 5 Advantages Of Gaming?

Gaming offers several advantages, including enhanced problem solving skills, improved cognitive abilities, opportunities for social interaction, stress relief, entertainment, and skill development. These positive effects of video games can contribute to mental stimulation, social connections, and enjoyable leisure activities. However, it’s important to strike a balance and practice responsible gaming to avoid negative effects, such as excessive screen time or game addiction, ensuring a positive and healthy gaming experience.

In What Ways Do Video Games Help Improve Social Interactions And Skills?

Video games can enhance social interactions and skills in several ways. Online multiplayer video games, cooperative play, and social gaming communities encourage teamwork, communication, and the building of friendships. Role-playing video games promote storytelling and empathy, while in-game chat and voice communication improve communication abilities while playing games.  Problem-solving and critical thinking skills developed in video games can be valuable in real-life social situations, and successful video game gameplay can boost confidence. However, it’s essential to choose video games that foster positive interactions and maintain a balance with other social activities to ensure a healthy impact on social skills and interactions.

What Are Some Popular Games That Help Alleviate Anxiety?

Do Video Games Have Positive Effects?

Do gamers have higher IQs?

What are the pros and cons of video games?

Do video games relieve stress?

Video games, including action games, can provide stress relief by offering an entertaining distraction from real world worries, a sense of control, and a feeling of achievement. They can also facilitate social interaction and promote mindfulness. However, their effectiveness in relieving real life stress varies from person to person, and excessive gaming can lead to problems of its own. It’s crucial to balance gaming with other stress-reduction techniques and seek professional help if stress becomes overwhelming or chronic in the real world.

Can virtual gaming increase creativity?

When individuals play video games, they may unlock the potential to boost creativity through problem-solving, exploration, storytelling, customization, and artistic expression within certain game genres. However, its impact varies from person to person and depends on the type of games played. To harness gaming’s creative benefits, individuals should choose games that align with their interests and actively engage in creative aspects. Balancing gaming with other creative activities and real-world experiences can further enhance creativity.

How does virtual gaming affect the learning of most students?

Virtual gaming can influence student learning positively through improved problem-solving skills, motivation, and active engagement. Educational games also offer opportunities for practical skill development. However, excessive gaming can lead to distractions, procrastination, social isolation, and addiction risks. This can be a problem that affects study habits, academic performance, and well-being. It’s crucial to select educational games carefully and monitor gaming habits to strike a balance that enhances learning without hindering other aspects of students’ lives.


Anxiety Disorder – FAQs About Social Anxiety

What to understand about social anxiety disorders?

How technology impact social isolation

Some of the people close to me usually ask me why I keep myself isolated. They get confused about why I socially isolated myself with my computer for more than 8 hours a day. Some even question why I don’t go out and socialize with others. Honestly, it is all related to my mental health issue that I don’t want to talk about. I don’t often go out, and I don’t mingle with people because I get socially anxious when surrounded by individuals I do not know.

Some people think I am a loner, and that is okay. As long as I can avoid social interactions, I can spend the rest of my life isolated in my room playing computer games. Some may think it is weird, but I can honestly say I can get used to that setup. Perhaps that is because I am already battling a mental health condition, so I am no longer interested in any acquaintances.

At What Age Does Social Anxiety Begin?

Social anxiety disorder, also called social phobia, usually begins around 13 years of age. Environmental factors that are associated with it include bullying or a history of abuse. It could also come from childhood trauma or can be a result of having overbearing or controlling parents.

As for my situation, I can’t tell. It just happened that I became so scared to be around people. Maybe it has something to do with the things I like, which is not usually what others would feel comfortable dealing with. I like playing video games, and I must admit, I am addicted to them. Since not everyone I know likes to spend all their time in front of the computer, it changes everything.

Can You Self-Diagnose The Mental Health Condition?

No. You cannot self-diagnose any mental health disorders, including social phobia or social anxiety. There is no medical test to check the exact presence of the rate of the condition. Only a professional expert or a healthcare provider can diagnose social fear by describing your physical symptoms and examining certain behavioral patterns. If you want to learn more about mental disorders, you may check them out on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.

What Triggers The Mental Health?

Social anxiety is triggered by negative social interaction experiences such as rejection, bullying, teasing, ridicule, or humiliation. Having intense fear when it comes to social interactions such as those can contribute to one developing social anxiety disorder. It gets triggered when there are ongoing stressful life events and trauma from physical, sexual, or emotional abuse. It can also come from a family history where you become more likely to develop social anxiety disorder if your biological parents or siblings are diagnosed with a mental health problem. Many things can trigger social anxiety.

Honestly, I think my social anxiety got worse when I developed extreme emotional dilemmas. When depression hits me, I felt so alone that I do not want anyone to be near me. That is because I can only hear judgments and assumptions. Most of the people I know think that I am overreacting and hurt my feelings even more.

Can you have mild social anxiety?

There is no mild to moderate anxiety. Mild-to-moderate social anxiety is still a social anxiety disorder.

The treatment options and programs are still necessary to control any form or any level of anxiety intensity. Make sure to get your social anxiety disorder treated. Mild and moderate social anxiety will still experience feeling nervous, restless, increased heart rate, and feeling weak or tired. You can still have problems concentrating or thinking about anything other than the present worry.

Therefore, whatever I do, as long as I tend to avoid people, it is still considered social anxiety. Regardless of what I do or who I want to spend my time with, I don’t think I will live with it when there are too many people around.

social anxiety disorder treatment options and programs are still necessary to control any form or any level of mental health intensity. You cannot self-diagnose any mental health disorders

What should I do if I think I have social anxiety?

One thing you have to do is understand the condition. Thus, it would be advisable to have a diagnosis first, usually administered by a mental health expert before treating social anxiety disorder. You need to consult your doctor or a health care provider about the best treatment so you can manage to know how to deal with your social anxiety. Typically, social anxiety disorder is generally treated with psychotherapy or also known as “talk” therapy. However, medications such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors or both can work as well. Cognitive behavioral therapy is studied to be one of the most effective ways to treat social anxiety disorder and other mental health conditions or psychiatric disorders. Therapy CBT also works well to treat depression and substance abuse.

Note that not because you are on medication and therapy, that does not mean you will get better in no time. Trust me. The process is long and tiring. The agony of trying to be better is worse than assuming that you are okay. It takes time and effort to be able to be socially active once again finally.

How can I fix my social anxiety?

People with social anxiety can often feel uncomfortable and too self-conscious, and avoid eye contact with others. To avoid and fix that, you need to learn how to control your breathing. You can incorporate it when you do your morning or evening meditation, as it works best when you are concentrated and focused. Avoid distractions and use your senses to exercise or progressive muscle relaxation. Focus on yourself and always talk back to negative thoughts to reduce anxiety.

The process is not going to be easy, and that is a fact. You need to pull yourself and focus on your mental health recovery. Because if you can’t handle the pressure, things will crumble down, and you might get trapped in a social situation that can add more mental health problems in the long run.

Can you beat anxiety without medication?

At times, there is a chance that you can win the anxiety battle without medication as long as you consider mindfulness meditation. It helps in overcoming worry and nervousness simply by modifying your thoughts, behavior, and lifestyle. It works so well with many patients that some psychotherapeutic methods use it as a basis of treatment.

How can I kill anxiety naturally?

You can get rid of anxiety naturally if you consider these things: Regularly exercising, avoiding late-night alcohol and caffeine consumption, eating a well-balanced diet, getting enough sleep, drinking plenty of water, quitting smoking, practicing deep breathing, and meditating to promote self-consciousness and relaxation. You can also consider having a meaningful conversation with a friend or family or simply setting time for self-talk. Another thing you can do is fix printers’ mental health recovery.

What does the Bible say about anxiety?

The Bible often talks about anxiety. There is always a constant reminder not to worry about your health or anything because God is with you. By reading the Bible, internalizing God’s word, and praying to him, you can lighten the stress that weighs your heart and mind down. People with social anxiety can rely on God’s words

Does CBD help anxiety?

CBD products show excellent results in treating mental disorders such as social anxiety disorder, general anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety-induced insomnia, and other anxiety disorders. Many feel CBD’s effects almost instantly, but it could usually take anywhere from 15-60 minutes.

Are there any bad side effects of CBD?

CBD is often permitted specifically for medicinal purposes. However, it causes side effects, such as reduced appetite, nausea, diarrhea, dry mouth, and restlessness. CBD can also interact with other medications currently prescribed and work differently, such as blood thinners.

Does CBD do anything?

Contrary to what others believe, there’s no evidence that CBD cures cancer. Though some research shows its damaging effects on the body and brain, there is still moderate evidence that CBD improves fibromyalgia pain, sleep disorders, muscle spasticity related to multiple sclerosis, as well as certain conditions of anxiety.



How to Help Someone With Social Anxiety

Helping someone with social anxiety can be a challenging and sensitive task. However, with patience and understanding, there are many ways you can support and encourage them. Here are some tips:

  1. Educate Yourself: Learn about the symptoms of social anxiety so that you can better understand what your friend or loved one is going through. You can find information online, in books, or by talking to mental health professionals. Once you know the social anxiety disorder symptoms, you’ll be able to figure out and empathize when you see one. Just be aware that anxiety symptoms can be visible or ambiguous depending on each person.
  2. Listen and Validate Their Feelings: Let the person know that their feelings are valid and that you understand how difficult social situations can be for them. Avoid minimizing their anxiety or telling them to “just get over it.”
  3. Encourage Them to Seek Professional Help: Social anxiety disorder is a treatable condition, and a mental health professional can help your friend or loved one develop coping skills and strategies to manage their anxiety disorders. Encourage them to speak to a doctor, therapist, or counselor.
  4. Offer Support: Let the person know that you are there for them and offer your support in any way you can. This could mean attending social events with them, helping them practice relaxation techniques, or just being a listening ear.
  5. Be Patient: Remember that overcoming social anxiety is a process, and it may take time. Don’t pressure the person to do things that make them uncomfortable, but gently encourage them to step outside of their comfort zone.
  6. Avoid Enabling Behaviors: While it’s important to be supportive, it’s also important to avoid enabling behaviors that may reinforce the person’s anxiety. For example, if they’re afraid to go to a party alone, don’t always offer to go with them. Instead, encourage them to try going alone and offer to meet up with them later.
  7. Celebrate Small Victories: Recognize and celebrate the person’s progress, no matter how small. This can be a great motivator and help them build confidence.

Remember that social anxiety disorder can be a challenging condition, but with the right support and treatment, it is possible to manage and overcome it.

Tips to Handle Social Anxiety in Social Situations

Social anxiety symptoms can be particularly difficult in social situations. However, there are ways to manage social anxiety that can help you feel more comfortable and confident in social situations.

Prepare in Advance: If you know you have a social event coming up, plan. Think about what you’ll wear, what you’ll say, and what you might do if you feel anxious. This can help you feel more in control and reduce anxiety.

Use Relaxation Techniques: Deep breathing, meditation, and progressive muscle relaxation are all techniques that can help reduce anxiety in social situations. Practice these techniques regularly to help them become more effective.

Practice Exposure Therapy: Exposure therapy involves gradually exposing yourself to situations that make you anxious. Start with small steps, such as attending a small social gathering or meeting up with a friend in a quiet place. As you become more comfortable, gradually increase the difficulty of the social situations you expose yourself to.

Focus on the Present Moment: Try to stay in the present moment rather than worrying about the past or the future. Focus on what’s happening in certain situations right now and what you’re experiencing.

Challenge Negative Thoughts: Social anxiety can cause you to have negative thoughts about yourself and your abilities. Challenge these thoughts by asking yourself if they’re realistic or if there’s evidence to support them.


A lot of people assume that social anxiety is just something one invented to avoid social situations. But the truth is, its existence is something that no one can explain. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, people with social anxiety are not just introverted or just shyness because there is a mental pressure that lies within the mental health condition.

How do you know if you have social anxiety?

Do I have social anxiety, or am I just shy?

Why am I so socially awkward?

What is commonly mistaken for social anxiety?

How do I make friends with social anxiety?

How Fixing Printers Challenged My Psychological Wellness


I moved out of the house and lived independently across the country as soon as I got an internship at one of the biggest marketing companies in California. My parents tried to coax me to work in New York instead, which was closer to home, but I reminded them that New York might not be the right answer because such opportunities in the world might only knock once. Besides, I did not want to continue being a burden to them when I was already at a ripe age in life to start work. Their obligations with me already ended when I got my Marketing degree last fall.

Although I said dealing with my life would be okay in LA (not New York!), that was still not 100% true. I got the smallest apartment that I could find in the city since interns did not earn as much as regular employees. At night, I had to deal with work as a part-time bartender in a bar to have money for food and other bills. I did not bother to buy a car, which was the original plan. That was not happening anymore because I did not want to deal with the cost. Instead, I bought a bicycle and pedaled to and from work every day. The benefits were great and I didn’t have to deal with the price of gas. But all this caused some feelings of psychiatric anxiety for me.

Despite dealing with those life and world hardships, though, I stayed in LA and showed my bosses in the marketing company why they should give me a stable position. I finished my tasks faster than everyone; I studied the guidelines and followed the rules better than anyone. My hard work paid off when I was offered a junior marketer role two months before my internship ended. Then, another year later, the spot for a senior marketer opened, and I got the position, too. When I called my parents back home, they were ecstatic about it and said they had always known that I would realize my dreams.


Moving To Parents’ Home Temporarily

After three years of working in California, the marketing company I worked for closed a deal with a multi-million-dollar tech company to promote their newest gadgets. Though the latter hired a different advertising company to shoot the commercials in New York, they wanted a representative from ours to go there and come up with marketing ideas for the campaign. And since my boss knew that that was my home, he naturally asked me to pack my bags and stay there for a month.

I told my parents via FaceTime that I would visit them because of work, and they were genuinely happy. However, when I said that I would stay at a hotel, my father waved his hand dismissively and said, “Nonsense – you have a home here. I will prepare it now.” Well, if your father talks like that, you cannot do much but agree, so I move to their house temporarily.


I would say my decision was great because I got to eat Mom’s food again, plus I missed the familiar human connection. But I did not miss that I had to deal with the fact that my parents knew less about technology than a first-grader. This caused some feelings of anxiety, but only a little. When I needed some Printing to do for some documents immediately, Dad pointed me to his office and said a printer was there, but he did not know if it was working. I did not know at the time that this simple thing would challenge my mental health.

The Battle With A Printer; Fixing Printers & Mental Health

As I entered the home office, I caught sight of the black, rectangular object on top of Dad’s filing cabinet immediately. I found out soon after that it was an Epson L120 – an old printer model. I told my father that I would buy a new one for him first thing in the morning, but he said it would be a waste of money. Instead, I know I should try fixing it, so I did that. Again, I did not know that this would lead to a mental health debacle and some feelings of anxiety.


I hooked the printer to my laptop and realized that it was still working, but no letters appeared on the paper. A little research showed me that it could be because there was no more ink in the cartridges, or the ink dried in the nozzles and needed to be flushed out. By then, I experienced a bit of anxiety. I checked the cartridges filled them up to the ideal level, and tried printing again, but to no avail. Hence, the issue was most likely the tubes that I can’t seem to fix. My feelings of anxiety continued to mount by this time.

I stared at the printer for a solid hour because I did not know how to dismantle it. When I read “flush out,” I instinctively assumed that I would need to take the tubes out and run them under the water. Worse, I might have to take them to a printer specialist. But as I browsed through the printer application on my laptop, I saw an option to clean the print head. When I clicked the button for that, the printer began to make sounds. I almost lost my mind while thinking about it, but apparently, it could clean itself! I could have avoided the mental health anxiety by reading and understanding the available printer resources. For me, fixing printers and Printer Repair seems too overwhelming.


What I Gathered From The Experience

I understood that not every tech problem required the expertise of specialists. I could have avoided the feelings of anxiety by thinking about this sooner. Like with my father’s printer, it could clean its tubes and print head without needing to take it apart. If I just read what’s on the computer instead of starting at the printer helplessly, I could have fixed the printer and printed my documents sooner. I could have also avoided feeling anxiety.

Such a simple thing was almost like mental health challenges. I was stumped and felt anxiety because I did not focus, and it challenged my mind and my mental health. In the end, it was all okay after I began to focus. Such is life.

The next day, I showed my father how to do the same thing so that he could continue using his Epson L120 for years to come.


What Psychological Wellness Problems Are Related To Computer Technology?

How Can We Take Care Of Our Physical Emotional And Psychological Wellness Against The Risk Of ICT Use?

How Can We Reduce The Impact (E.G. Anxiety) Of Social Media On Psychological Wellness?

What Physical Problems Are Linked With Working On Computers?

What Are The Negative Effect Of Computers On Psychological Wellness Aside From Anxiety?

How Technology Can Assist In Improving Psychological Wellness?

How Can We Minimize The Negative Effect Of Technology To The Psychological Wellness, Such As Depression And Anxiety, Of Its Users?

How To Avoid The Negative Effects Of Media And Information On Psychological Wellness, Like Anxiety?

What Can You Do To Have a Media Balance And Keep A Healthy Psychological Wellness In Your Social Media Environment?

How Can You Improve Your Mental Health And Avoid Concerns Like Anxiety While Using Social Media?

Do You Feel That Risk To Your Mental Health From Working With Computers Is Adequately Controlled?

What Are The Effects Of Prolonged Use Of Computers On Human Physical Health And Mental Health (Such As Anxiety)?

How Can You Lessen Your Dependence On Technology In Everyday Routines?

What Are The Risks Of Using Devices On Mental Physical Health (Like Anxiety)?

Do Technological Devices Bring More Good Than Bad To A Person?

What Mental Health Issues/Mental Health Disorders/Mental Health Problems Like Anxiety Often Arise From Technology Use?

When Should A Person Seek Professional Help For Improving Mental Health Conditions Like Depression And Anxiety Disorders?

Aside From Mental Health And Anxiety Medication, What Measures Do Health Professional And The National Institute Of Mental Health Recommend?

How Technology Helps Improve Family Life





As parents, you may think that your kids are spending a lot of hours with digital technology like smartphones and tablets. You might even catch your teenagers rolling their eyeballs at you when you try to reprimand them about using their phones at dinnertime. But the reality is that technology has affected almost all areas of family life.

The World Wide Web and the thousands of electronic gadgets that companies are releasing year by year have given families with choices that we could never have imagined ten years ago. I, for one, could only remember having a very hard time when my husband worked in a different state during the 90s. There were no cellphones then, so I had to wait for him to get home before I’d get to talk to him and ask how his day went, or if my kids missed their dad and wanted to hear his voice. Now, I can easily talk to my college kid through Skype or Face Time at any time of the day to see how she is. Technology has indeed helped improve relationships in terms of communication.

It has also brought about improvements in several other aspects of family life, and this includes education, child growth and progress, business, and work. Below, we take a closer look at the ways that prove how the family has taken advantage of digital technology.


A lot of families have adapted the digital way of life to attain a much better work-life balance. Previously, work meant long travels and being stuck in the office from 8 ‘til 5. This has changed through the advent of remote access systems, email, and social media platforms, which have made it possible for us to have a little leeway with staying long hours in the workplace. Employers have embraced the idea of giving their employees the choice to work remotely or telecommuting. These work-at-home setups have allowed a lot of families to spend more quality time with each other, plus saving them thousands from childcare costs and transportation.

Home Management

Housewives and working moms no longer need to go out of the house when they need to withdraw money and pay their bills. They can subscribe to their bank’s mobile app, and lo and behold; they can do all their transactions in the comfort of their own homes!



Technology provides us with the opportunity to gain more knowledge whenever we want to and wherever we want – as long as there is an Internet connection. A long time ago, people would keep themselves updated about local and international events by purchasing newspapers. Women would learn new recipes by reading books and magazines and making notes out of them. For students, finishing their term paper meant spending painful hours at the school library, searching through card catalogs, and whatnot. Now, in the online era, different software applications, ebooks, and virtual libraries make it so much easier for us to learn something new in just minutes. Students now can even pursue other courses that were not accessible to them years before by just searching online.

Teachers, too, have taken a step forward in the way they teach their lessons. They also use the computer, interactive whiteboard, projectors, and video presentations to conveniently hold their classes and give instructions for homework and projects.


Digital technology has blessed us with easy access to hundreds of movies, series, and interesting shows that are available on your phones or smart televisions through the Internet’s streaming services and applications. In many ways, this has managed to bridge the gap between families, friends, and significant others, keeping them entertained together and strengthening their bonds. Couples get to bond with their favorite romantic comedy, while teens and parents can watch a great family movie after dinner.

If you are not that tech-savvy, you might be hesitant to use some of the devices and gadgets that look easy when the younger generation uses them. Well, read these tips to help your digital life a little easier than it used to.

  • If you want to play online games with your kid, try the tablets first. They’re handier than the laptops and have bigger screens than the smartphones, so they’re just perfect for gaming and learning too.
  • Find games that are fun and appropriate for your child’s age. Remember also to choose games that are educational and enriching as well.
  • Always find time to bond with your child through online games. You can commit to making it a regular thing, like weekends.
  • Be patient and eager to be led by your child when it comes to these things. Letting him share his forte with you will help boost his self-esteem.



If you are a parent, it is natural to be anxious about the negative effects that digital technology can bring to the family. Of course, there are dangers in sharing family life and everything on it to the online world, especially to the children and the teens that may not yet completely understand what it means to be exposed. For this reason, you must be obliged to educate them about it, including the limitations of using technology.

Technology does provide opportunities for the whole family to discuss issues with their kids like the fact that as parents, they must know what their children are watching online, or concerns about privacy and cyber-bullying, among others. By knowing all these and having an understanding with your children, you can help them avoid the possible harmful effects while reaping the benefits that the digital world has opened for all of us.



Digital Trend: COVID-19 Is Affecting Big Tech Companies

Millions of people across the world are feeling the effect of the Coronavirus outbreak. There is the plummeting of the stock market, lacking supplies of essential items in stores, cancelations of small and large events, adjusting school classes, and so on. But some effects of the situation are less apparent. Here are some of the ways the COVID-19 virus outbreak can affect us primarily in months to come, specifically in the world of technology.


The Change In Technological Needs

The Coronavirus is either the success or the failure of a business, depending on which side of the industry gets involved. For some companies that run in an internal function, they urge their employees to work from home and interact via video conferencing applications such as Zoom and Slack. As you can imagine, these two apps are doing quite well because they get to be in demand in this particular situation. It provides an advantage to those individuals who no longer need to travel only to go to work.


The same goes for delivery options. Since people are required to stay at home, they now turn to delivery services to get food and supplies. Regardless of the fee, people are now choosing to pay additional cash for the convenience they are receiving. That is because of the advantage of not exposing themselves from the uncertainty of the outside world.

Another one is the convenience of finding entertainment despite getting stuck at home. To pass the long hours, people enjoy streaming platforms such as Amazon Prime Video, Netflix, Youtube, and others alike. These networks provide people with convenience and stress-relieving options, making them want to stick with the rules of social distancing and home quarantine.

Thus, with all these advantages, we can expect that these technology companies continue enjoying their services and seemingly getting the benefits of the situation. That is not a bad thing, actually. In a time like this, those are the only options people can get.


The Supply Chain

Coronavirus is affecting the tech hardware business by targeting the supply chain. Perhaps people know the brand name of a TV, laptop, and phone. But that only tells them little about the design and assembly of a particular item. That is because getting all the parts together needs a complicated web of contractors, subcontractors, and manufacturing warehouses that goes entirely unseen. Meaning, the parts of an item comes from different manufacturing companies. So people get the idea that the process of creating a particular item is all interconnected. Thus, if one manufacturing company or supplier shuts down, it cripples the entire production system and grinds everything into a halt.

People assume that these large companies can stand alone during this pandemic crisis because they have been the most prominent companies in the market. However, the shortfall is not immediate. When the warehouse and other manufacturing factories stay empty, we can all expect a shortage of goods. It will be followed by rising prices as the demand for some technological items increases as well. But fortunately, most of these technical items are high cost. Therefore, they are less prone to hoarding. However, that does not mean that with the Coronavirus outbreak, things will still be the same.



People are noticing the situation right now.  So it is no secret to them that some businesses choose to stay out of the competition due to lack of demand. While the large industries are striving hard to keep intact with the economic function, the smaller enterprises are giving up their chances because of the slow return of investments. In some unfortunate cases, the chances of earning seem impossible.